Former President Trump speaking at Trump Tower in New York City after attending a hearing over his appeal for a new trial in the E Gene Carroll sexual abuse civil case. Trump called the case a long and complicated web, blaming the Justice Department President Biden and Vice President Harris.
He also talked about the economy calling today's job numbers terrible. we just heard Trump by my count at least 3 times say he doesn't even know E Jean Carroll, and that her story is a lie. But he has already lost in court for doing that very thing, for denying her story, because the jury found him liable for that assault and for defaming her in the past by denying it. So could he have just subjected himself to another defamation case
So, Donald Trump entered the courtroom, and this court is fairly narrow and small as it set up. he'll walk right past E Gary, who is sitting at the front corner of the table. There was a seat across an aisle that could have placed Donald Trump right next to her, just an aisle separating about 3 feet. He instead chose to watch the far end of that table and sit at that seat. giving himself some space between her, their future be no eye contact between the two. Trump sitting during this hearing, which lasted less than 30 minutes, just facing forward, watching the arguments there. His lawyers went on for about 10 minutes. Then Carol's lawyers started their arguments here. Now, trump lawyers are trying to get a new trial in this case, saying that the trial judge made mistakes, including by allowing the access Hollywood tape to be played before the jury on the tape. Trump is caught on that hot mic saying how he gropes women and grabs them without their permission. And they also said that the testimony of two other women who came forward and said that Trump had assaulted them, one in the 1970s on an airplane and another one down at Mar a Lago. They were allowed to testify in this case from lawyers saying that should have been permitted. Now, as they began to address the judges, attorney John Sawyer started talking about how this was the quintessential. He said, she said there was no DNA evidence, no police report. One of the apology judges cut him off and said, we're here to talk about challenges to the evidence, not about the other arguments that they want to make about the case. he tried to ring this lawyer in and get him to focus on the evidentiary arguments that they're making. And the attorney, excuse me, the judge telling the attorney that, in fact, it's very difficult to overturn a trial judge's decision on evidence ruling. So really trying to get him to focus on these arguments. Part of the argument that Trump lawyers are making is that in the 1970s it wasn't a crime to sexually assault someone on an airplane with Eugene Carroll's lawyer got up. She said it was a crime to assault anybody on an airplane. And so that should stand. That should be evidence that comes in. So just a lot of back and forth over that evidence, whether these two women should have been allowed to testify the judges into the hearing without making any decision, that will come into course often takes weeks, or maybe even months. Donald Trump did not answer any questions by reporters as he left the courtroom. He was in there, though, for just under 30 minutes. And his motorcade is already left as he's making his way
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